Cecilia Alessandra nació en Lima en el corazón de una familia que gustaba de la música. Comezó su carrera muy joven. Preparándose para su carrera, estudió 5 años de impostación de la voz, guitarra,teatro y expresión corporal. Inició su carrera profesional en Río de Janeiro. Luego de esa rica experiencia, regresó al Perú actuando en hoteles, clubs privados y auditorios, cantando en español, portugués e inglés, logrando un alto estatus como una versatil vocalista. Tuvo oportunidad de cantar en Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia, México, Colombia y USA, con un repertprio diverso cantando música peruana, boleros, jazz y bossa nova. Recientemente graba su primera producción discográfica titulada CAUDALOSA, Fusión Peruana, CD que contiene 12 tracks de diversas músicas del mundo, pero hilvanadas con ritmos afroperuanos y con un sonido contemporáneo.
Cecilia Alessandra was born in Lima, Peru in a heart of a family who practiced music amaturely. In fact, the little girl quickly becomes sensitive to the music. She started performing very young, in middle school. After finishing her studies she decided to devote her life to the music, taking classes of body expression, theater and singing techniques. She began her professional career in Rio de Janeiro – Brazil. After this rich experience, she started to perform successfully in hotels, private clubs and auditoriums in her Country, Peru, singing songs in Spanish, Portuguese and English, earning a high status as a contemporary and versatile vocalist. She took the opportunity to travel to other Countries like Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia, Mexico, Colombia and the United States singing peruvian songs, romantic music- bolero, jazz, Brazilian songs, country, blues and latin music. Blessed with her unique voice, Cecilia Alessandra has overcome all barriers including languages, but with her very own style and her electrifying charm, she has gained affection from everybody who has listened to her singing. Recently, Cecilia have launched her first CD, named CAUDALOSA, a sort of peruvian fusion but including contemporary sounds. Here you can hear some of the tracks of CAUDALOSA.
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